Metaphor duel: Zombies versus Robots/Cyborgs
Abortive review: Chasm City

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We came into the show late, despite having good things about it from various blogs and friends for ages. Happily, we're now remedying that oversight and had a marathon of episodes 1-5 tonight. The pilot weirdness of the show was fairly subdued; the characters aren't quite the same ones we've been seeing in the most recent episodes, but the changes are of a sort that can be attributed to character development (not all of it positive) and not just the aging of the show.

It also joins Venture Brothers in the list of shows with a degree of failure as a major theme. I wonder to what extent that's a new thing. Any number of sitcoms in the past had a notable degree of stagnation, but I think in both cases these shows actually grapple with these issues rather than just use it as an excuse to keep tired tropes going in perpetuity. So, any of my television history-aware friends have any insight?

Source: Kate's Mom. Thanks!

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